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Home Overview IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin
IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin
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IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin截图 IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin截图 IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin截图 IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin截图
IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin
IToo RailClone is a popular, popular, and classic professional dispersal tool that runs on 3DsMax. Provides a complete solution for creating large-scale objects, from trees and plants to buildings, crowds, aggregates, ground coverings, rocks, and more.
Pro Standard Network version
1 Year Maintenance 3 Years Maintenance
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IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin

IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin

Standalone version -1 year maintenance -1 user
Standalone version -3-year maintenance -1 user
Network version -1 year maintenance -1 user
Network version -3-year maintenance -1 user
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Tired of using fixed, difficult to modify, and time-consuming manual labor to edit assets? Do you want to make it easier to create intelligent parameterized objects that are easy to update and can be used and reused over and over again, but with minimal time investment?

Enter RailClone -3ds Max's artist friendly parametric modeling and spline cloning plugin, which is fast, efficient, and easy to learn.

RailClone is different from any other tool on the market. Simply assemble and repeat existing geometric shapes using a set of easily defined rules to create objects. If modeling is possible in Max, RailClone can be used to create process objects

Choose from hundreds of built-in presets, adjust existing objects by adding your own geometry, and even create your own objects from scratch using RailClone's easy to understand visual editor

Learning RAILCLONE is as easy as 1-2-3

1- Basic Object

RailClone does not construct objects from scratch, but works by assembling and repeating existing geometry along a path. To achieve this, it requires two things - spline curves of paths, and of course, some modular geometric shapes.

2- Rule Generator

Imagine you are explaining to the manufacturer how to build this bus shelter, and you might say: 'Place a glass panel at the beginning and end, add vertical frames at 2-meter intervals, and then fill between the roof and the glass. If you understand this, you understand RailClone.'.

3- Modifiers

Just like Max, RailClone also has its own modifiers called operators for manipulating geometry. You can group projects, create patterns, randomize conversions, UV and material IDs, create conditional relationships, and more.

Make smart assets work easily

  1. Proxy cache

Bake the RailClone object to the proxy cache without disrupting instantiation or losing access to advanced features. Cache can be stored in the scene or exported to a separate file to minimize file bloating and make it easy to reuse.

  1. Assign light sources and virtual hard disks

Distributed non geometric objects, including light sources and VDB volume blocks. Combine them with geometric shapes of blended styles, and even use RailClone colors with light tones to create random variations.

  1. Support for the group

Pre compose objects into standard Max groups and use them as segments for geometric objects, non geometric objects (such as lighting and VDBs), or any combination of both.

  1. Intuitive bank control

Add easy-to-use widgets through the RC spline modifier to control the tilt angle of geometric shapes at any point along the spline curve. By simply rotating the markers, the geometry will distort, rotate, and smoothly deform to match.

  1. New uniform mode

Geometric shapes are distributed at regular intervals along spline curves, providing more control than ever before. Force the use of odd intervals, even numbers, or only the original pattern, where the numbers are determined by the best fit.

  1. Dropdown list

Enable users to easily select geometric shapes, change materials, open and close elements, or control almost any properties of shapes using an easy to understand text-based drop-down list with numerical inputs.

  1. Compatible with Arnold 7

Use the latest version of Autodesk's built-in rendering engine, as well as the latest versions of V-Ray, Corona, and Redshift.

  1. Using tagged data to control the generator

When using the 'Expand X/Y Size to Region' mode, use markers to control many generator parameters. If multiple markers are found on the spline, the value is obtained from the first marker found.

  1. Improvements to Editing

Translate or rotate nested generators or composite objects outside the boundaries of the cutting area, while still retaining all line segments. Very suitable for creating over 100 random hinges or sliding doors and windows.

major function

  1. versatile

With RailClone, your creativity is limitless. Unlike other scripts and plugins designed for single type models, in RailClone, you can create almost anything.

  1. Easy to use

RailClone uses an easy to understand visual style editor to create complex structures. Unlike other tools, there is absolutely no need for programming knowledge.

  1. Extreme speed

RailClone is fully multi-threaded and highly optimized for speed. This, combined with efficient viewport display modes and powerful instantiation, means you can create and render large objects composed of thousands of highly detailed parts.

  1. adapt

RailClone assembles, transforms, slices, and deforms geometry to create seamless objects. Just set some rules, and the object will be automatically built for you, even on curved paths!

  1. intelligence

Let RailClone think for you through advanced algorithms to deform geometric shapes to follow inclined paths and surfaces. Sloping and uneven walls, stairs, handrails, railings, and stepped fences are no longer a laborious task created in 3ds Max.

  1. Ready to go

RailClone Pro has nearly 400 predefined styles, including fences, railings, obstacles, traffic, walls, and more. The library browser is fully customizable, allowing you to add new categories and models and share them with colleagues

IToo RailClone Pro 3DS Max Professional Parametric Modeling Plugin LOGO

Official website:https://www.itoosoft.com/railclone

Download Center:https://railclone.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual processing

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports English interface display.

Update instructions:Update and upgrade during the maintenance period.

Pre purchase trial:You can try the free version for free before purchasing.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 1 computer.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer. The standalone version can be transferred or reactivated 5 times, and after exceeding the number of times, contact is required activate@itoosoft.com Reset times.

Activation guidance:https://docs.itoosoft.com/forestpack/forest-pack-licensing-guide

Special instructions:The standalone version can be transferred or reactivated 5 times, and after exceeding the number of times, contact is required activate@itoosoft.com Reset times.

reference material:https://docs.itoosoft.com/forestpack

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